Thursday, August 01, 2024

B, Post Pentecost 11 Proper 13 - John 6:27&29 "Eat your Cake and have it too"

The desire to have something can be so strong.  So much so it can cause all sorts of emotions to occur, even physical reactions or mental torment.

Have you ever been shopping for groceries when you’re hungry?  Have you ever seen a fast-food ad on television when you’re starving?  You can almost savour the flavour of the herbs and spices in your mouth. 

The eyes sharpen the mind, the desire intensifies, your saliva glands prepare themselves, you want it, and you want it now.  Food glorious food, hot food — chips, burgers, chicken, a big juicy steak, with plenty of sauce or gravy!  It makes your stomach churns with delight.

Perhaps every time you past the car yard, the motorcycle centre, the bakery, the clothes shop, or the shoe store, your mind is filled with visions of sitting high in the seat of a shiny new machine, the best in the district.  Or you picture yourself stepping out in style with those new shoes or the latest outfit similar to what the movie stars are wearing these days.  Isn’t it interesting how desire works its way within!

As you salivate over these things from afar, your mind plots and your heart beats quicker, as you scheme how to make the imagination a reality.

Similar occurs when one is attracted towards someone else.   Most should be able to remember the time the blood rushed on seeing that someone for the first time!  You become sweaty, desperately seeking their attention!  The thought of separation causes you pain.  You want them, but for whatever reason you can’t have them!  You lie on your bed at night and desire fills your heart, you toss to and fro without satisfaction. 

You fanaticise over them; perhaps even let your mind become X-rated; you can get no satisfaction.  The fantasy only increases the desire, you burn with passion, and the pain is almost too much to bear.  

What we want, but for one reason or another cannot get, plays on our mind.  Have you ever noticed sometimes that the less chance we have of getting it, the more we want it.  The intense yearning debilitates our whole being — mind, body, and spirit. 

These strong feelings and desires make us do all kinds of things with our minds, our mouths and our movements.  From children throwing tantrums before their parents, to teenagers manipulating things to suit themselves, to God’s adult children growing more and more materialistic and self-centred, it’s all the same thing in God’s eyes.

King David burned with desire over someone he shouldn’t have been obsessing over.  In fact, he should never have let himself be in this position to do what he did.

As the saying goes, “Idle hands are the devil’s playground.”  And so, while David should have been leading his armies in battle out in the field, he hangs about Jerusalem not doing much.

He gets off his bed, probably aroused, but if not soon finds himself that way as he leers over Bathsheba, fanaticising over her beauty and her nakedness.

Instead of using his power to lead his fighting men, he misuses his authority and takes Bathsheba, another man’s wife into his bed.  The sin cannot be concealed when Bathsheba falls pregnant.  And so, David summons the husband, Uriah, and tries to cover his sin, but it doesn’t work.  So finally, he resorts to ordering Uriah’s murder to cover his guilt.

Nathan, the prophet of God, goes to see David, and feeds him a story which surely takes David in.  This is a story about a poor man who loves a lamb but when the rich neighbour has visitors, butchers the poor man’s solitary lamb instead of preparing one of the many lambs he owns.  David burns with anger against the rich man.  But God had set David up, and Nathan says…

 “You are the man! You struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and took his wife to be your own. …Now, therefore, the sword will never depart from your house, because you despised me and took the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your own.’  …“Before your very eyes I will take your wives and give them to one who is close to you, and he will lie with your wives in broad daylight.”  …Then David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.” (2 Samuel 12:7, 9, 10, 11, 13)

David had free choice, but like us all who have free choice, the consequences are never free and so beginning with the death of the child he and Bathsheba conceived, his whole family begins to unravel.  And the ripple effect takes its toll on his family’s kingship and on every member of the kingdom of Israel.

Have you ever heard of the saying, “You can’t eat your cake and have it too.”?  David’s desire led him to eat his cake of desire, when he should never have had it in the first place.  He ate his cake in secret, but it soon soured in the belly.

The unravelling of David’s kingdom continued with a repetition of similar sorts when David’s son, Amnon, fell in love with his half-sister, David’s daughter, Tamar.  His desire led him to deviously set up a situation where they would be alone in his bedroom.  She is sent to him with bread as Amnon is apparently not well.  But once alone with Amnon he seeks to seduce her, but on her refusal, he rapes her. 

Amnon had his fill, then he treated Tamar as trash.  After such great desire and yearning for her, he ate his cake of desire and then he no longer had his idol of desire.  Therefore, the idol of desire turned into one of contempt and hatred. 

These are the results of David’s desire to not fulfil his kingship, leading Israel in battle, but rather, stay in Jerusalem.  Desire drove David’s delusion on that afternoon when he mused about Bathsheba; and desire continued to devastate in waves of consequence after the wake of Amnon pining over his sister.  Retribution came from Absalom, Tamar’s full brother, who kills Amnon, and then pits himself against his father, King David, for the kingdom of Israel.  In the sight of all Israel, he defiantly takes the concubines of his father into his bed.

Who would have known the twitch of David’s sexual desire would have led to this tangled mess of death and destruction?  We are always free to choose!  But the other half is choice always has consequences that are never free.  It’s why deception is a deception; because our desires delude and deceive us into overlooking the other half of the free choice reality.

Have you ever noticed that after coveting the new car, the new clothes, or whatever it is you just have to have?  That on receiving it, it loses its sheen extremely quick!  The new car smell disappears, and it gets dirty, the shoes and clothes end up wearing out and become rags, or they date and become relics in the back of closet.  This never seem a reality when we’re in the midst of desire.

What about those food ads on television, or going to the supermarket after you’ve had a big meal?  The smells don’t have the same effect as when you’re hungry.  The burgers might be better, but you can’t even bear to look at them!  You can’t eat your cake and have it too! 

Or more to the point, “you can’t satisfy your desires and have the desires too!”  The feelings of wanting, disappear the moment you devour what you’ve desired.  But then the mirage of desire soon pops up somewhere else, ready to deceive us all over again.

In the gospel of John chapter six, Jesus tells us,  “Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you. For on him God the Father has set his seal.” (John 6:27 ESV)

Food that endures to eternal life!  This food is unusual!  We eat it, yet we still have it.  It’s the food which satisfies, really satisfies with lasting effect.  This food is unlike the food we crave one moment then reject once we’ve had our fill.  This is the food that gives us the sense of joy, but once eaten the sense of joy goes on and on and on, without ever becoming too much.  This is the food once eaten we still have it.  You can eat this cake, and have it too!

So, what must we do to eat and have this cake that endures into eternal life?  Jesus answers, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent. (John 6:29 ESV)

God calls you to taste and see that the Lord is good.  Open your hearts and let God fill you with satisfaction that lasts into eternity.  Jesus really satisfies! 

So, what must we do to get the food that endures to eternal life:  Believe that Jesus is the Bread of Life!  He is the food of life; he is the only bread of eternal satisfaction!

Jesus is the cake.  Come and eat, you can eat this cake and have it too. “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good!  Blessed are those who takes refuge in him!  Oh, fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him have no lack!” (Psalm 34:8–9)
